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Web Survey Bibliography

Title The Israel Consumer Price Index – A Case Study in Integrated Automation of Statistical Activity
Author Givol, I., Nathan, G.
Year 1999
Access date 13.07.2004
Presentation ppt (275k)
Abstract This paper presents a statistical computing project which combines the proper utilisation of the most modern technology with complex methodology, in order to simplify, the operational needs of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Components of the process cover the design of: survey questionnaires and other data collection instruments; logical and statistical checks; editing procedures, statistical compilation and computation; and dissemination. The design includes an integrated and dynamic system of planning, analysis, implementation and dissemination, based on price collection by hand-held computers, via a flexible and integrated system combining CAPI, CATI, DDE and the Internet Web.
Access/Direct link Homepage - conference (abstract, presentation)
Year of publication1999
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
